Choose the best standing desk option for you

Standing desks can change your day to day, improving your health and the relationship you have with your work. We give you some tips to know which desk is the best for you and what features you should take into account when buying one.

Why choose a standing desk ?

Because we were not born to sit all day. Labor sedentary lifestyle is increasing and affects us in many ways. It is about listening to our body and giving it the movement it needs.


Which one is the best

eleva for you?

Sistema de elevación 2 motores integrados en la estructura 2 motores integrados en la estructura 2 motores con tecnología Dynamic Motion integrados en las patas 4 motores integrados en las patas
Capacidad de carga 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg
Medidas del tablero Hasta 180 cm de largo Hasta 180 cm de largo Hasta 200 cm de largo Hasta 160 cm de largo
Rango de altura 700 - 1200 mm 592,7 - 1242,7 mm 720 - 1200 mm 679 - 1162 mm
Velocidad 35 mm/s 40 mm/s 38 mm/s 38 mm/s
Colores Tablero
Mando integrado Integrado en estructura Integrado en estructura Integrado en estructura Integrado en tablero
Memorias de altura 3 4 3 2
Cargador integrado USB / USB C USB / USB C No No
Alarma antisedentarismo No No No
Secciones 2 3 2 2
Bloqueo para niños
Gestión de Cables No No No
Elevación automática No No

Level 1: Eleva Go

The two-motor lifting system is ideal for professionals who spend a lot of time at their standing desk and have a more complex setup, creating a smoother and more stable experience.

With integrated control:

  • Up-down button
  • 3 customizable memories
  • Led screen
  • Anti-collision system
  • USB/USB C charger

Eleva 3.0

Nuestro escritorio elevable con mayor rango de alturas, perfecto para tu home office ya que se ajustará a toda la familia, ¡incluido los niños!

  • Elevación automática a 2 motores
  • 4 memorias personalizables
  • 3 secciones para mayor rango de alturas
  • Sistema anticolisión y bloqueo para niños
  • Cargador USB / USB C
  • Alarma antisedentarismo

Level 2: Eleva Pro

The dual motor lift system is ideal for professionals who spend a lot of time at their lift desk and have a more complex setup, creating a smoother and more stable experience. It allows to place larger boards and the assembly time is less.

With integrated control:

  • Pp-down button
  • 4 memories
  • Led screen
  • Anti-collision system
  • Adaptability to large boards

Standing desk features

Anti-collision system

The security that your elevating desk will detect any possible obstacle and will stop automatically. Available in the Eleva Pro model.

Height memories

Conveniently save your favorite heights in the different numbers of the remote, so you can access them with the push of a button.

With the remote you can also configure other parameters such as:

Table reset

Lock system

Upper and lower height limit

USB charger

Keep your devices charged throughout the workday with Eleva Go.

The Eleva Go model has a USB C charger, which will become the universal European charger at the end of 2024.

Technology and adaptability

The strength of a good motor

An advanced system to drive the movement, with powerful and silent motors that guarantee a smooth and fast lifting experience.

A modern design and very easy to assemble

The system's simplified design ensures high quality with few components, making it a reliable and secure desk that's easy to assemble.

In your home, in a few hours

The simplicity of the design allows us to send it to you in two boxes at home, in just 48-72 hours. Without intermediaries, so we can invest more in the quality of the product.

5 years warranty

Your Eleva is manufactured in Europe with the best materials on the market, and that has its guarantee. Robust and durable components that will withstand your routine in top shape.

Choose a color that inspires you

Once you have decided which standing desk model is the most suitable for you, the important thing is to choose which color combination will best fit your space. You decide between 2 base colors: black and white; and 4 top finishes: white, black, natural oak, snow oak and wild oak.