Elevating Desks

What should a work desk have?

¿Qué debe tener un escritorio de trabajo?

If you are looking for a desk to work on, you have come to the right place. Let's find the ideal desk for you!

Choose the ideal size…

The first thing you should take into account when choosing a desk is the size. The size should be large enough to accommodate all your devices and work tools, but also small enough so that it doesn't take up all of your room space. If you have a small space, look for a desk that fits your space.

…and the correct height

Another important factor to consider is height. If you spend a lot of time sitting at your desk, it is essential that the height of the desk is appropriate to avoid back and neck pain. The ideal height of a work desk is one that allows you to have an ergonomic posture, that is, your arms form a 90-degree angle when you are writing and your eyes are at the level of the computer screen. If you are concerned about the health impact of sitting for long hours, consider a lift-up desk so you can adjust the height to your needs.

Give your legs space

In addition to height, legroom is also important. Make sure the desk has enough space so you can sit comfortably and move your legs without feeling uncomfortable. The minimum recommended measurement is 100 cm wide and 70 cm deep.

Get inspired by color

As for color, this is totally subjective. While some studies indicate that light, neutral colors are more relaxing for the brain, ultimately the most important thing is that you like your desk and that you feel comfortable in your workspace. You can opt for a desk in a color that matches your room's decor or simply choose your favorite color.

Don't adapt to your desk, let it adapt to you

Remember that the desk is a key piece in your workspace, so don't settle for just anything. Choose a desk that suits your needs and makes you feel comfortable while you work. Also, don't forget to complement your space with a good desk chair that allows you to maintain an appropriate and comfortable posture while you work.

In conclusion, when choosing the ideal desk to work at, consider ergonomics, size, height, and legroom. If you have the option, consider a lift-up desk to adjust the height to your needs. As for color, choose what makes you feel comfortable and at ease in your workspace. Good luck in your search for the ideal desk!

Guillem Hernández

CEO Eleva

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