Elevating Desks

What is the proper height for a work table?

altura ergonomica escritorio elevable

The ergonomic height of a desk is a very important issue to consider, especially if you spend many hours working at it. A work table that is the right height can help prevent back, neck and shoulder pain, and can also improve posture and productivity.

The right height

The ergonomic height of a desk is the height that allows you to work comfortably without straining your muscles or joints. The proper height for a desk is generally considered to be one that allows you to keep your arms at a 90-degree angle, whether you're standing with your feet flat on the floor.

To determine the proper height for your desk, there are several factors to consider. First of all, you should consider your own height. For this reason, lift tables are an optimal option for everyone, or even to share a table with a colleague or with the family, since if you are tall, you will need a higher table to work comfortably, and if you are short, you will need a lower table.

Different heights depending on the task you perform

Second, you need to consider the type of work you do. If you work primarily on a computer, you'll need a different height than you would if you're working with pencil and paper.

How do I know what is the best height for me?

One way to determine the proper height for your desk is to take a quick test. Sit in a chair in front of your desk and make sure your feet are flat on the floor. Then, raise your arms and place them on the desk. You should be able to rest your arms on the desk at a 90 degree angle without having to raise your shoulders or extend your arms too far. If your arms are above your shoulders, the table is too high. If your arms are below your shoulders, the table is too low.

You can perform the same test but while standing in front of your elevating desk.

The ideal height for your chair

Once you have determined the proper height for your desk, you need to make sure that your chair is suitable as well. The height of your chair should be adjustable so that you can sit comfortably with your feet flat on the floor and your arms resting on your desk at a 90-degree angle. You should also make sure that your chair has good lumbar support to avoid back pain.

In summary, the ergonomic height of a desk is crucial to maintaining a healthy posture and preventing back, neck and shoulder pain. To determine the proper height for your desk, you need to consider your own height and the type of work you do. A quick test can help you determine the proper height for your desk. Remember that it is also important to have a suitable chair that allows you to sit comfortably and maintain a healthy posture.

Guillem Hernández

CEO Eleva

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