Elevating Desks

Comparison between lifting desk with motor and with manual crank

Comparativa entre escritorio elevable con motor y con manivela manual

Motorized Lift Desk vs Manual Crank Lift Desk

Which is better, a motorized lift-up desk or one with a crank? When buying your first standing desk, it is something that many people question.

At Eleva we are very clear: we are motor people. And today we tell you why.

Benefits of lifting desk with motor vs crank

List of benefits of lift-up desks:


The main advantage is clear: it is much more comfortable. You just have to press a button to place your elevating desk at the height you want.


Second obvious reason: pressing a button is much easier than using a crank. And now you might be thinking “well, it's not that hard to use a crank either.” And no, it shouldn't be, although in some cases there are people who find it easier to interact with the desk, either because they have an injury, or because they are elderly or children.

On the other hand, when we introduce a new habit, such as the habit of getting up every half hour, the easier we make it, the more easily we will achieve adherence to said habit. Make it easy!


With the control of your motorized lifting structure you can save your favorite heights to access them much easier. This way, you know that whenever you are sitting or standing your desk will be at the height you like best, and you will avoid having to find the perfect height every time you move it.

Benefits of a crank desk vs a motorized desk

At this point the list is short but concise:


Crank lift desks are usually cheaper than motorized desks. This is an advantage especially if it is the first time you are going to use one and you do not want to invest a lot of money in it.

Here you have a comparison of manual lifting desks

Another option is to look for a desktop model with a basic motor, such as Eleva One , whose cost is cheaper but you still have all the advantages of a motorized desk.

In addition, the lifting desk will last you for many years, so it is worth investing a little more if you think it is the option with which you will work best.

If you are interested, discover our height-adjustable desks

Guillem Hernández

CEO Eleva

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