Ergonomics at work

Ergonomics and good computer habits

Ergonomía y buenos hábitos frente al ordenador

When we talk about occupational risks, we often imagine work spaces where there is machinery or where we work with unstable elements. However, the majority of injuries caused in the workplace are caused by prolonged and repetitive postures, whether in a factory or an office.

For this reason, it is very important to take ergonomics seriously in front of the computer, since that is where most workers spend their workday.

The importance of ergonomics on the computer

To know if your way of working is healthy, you can ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you have any work-related injuries?
  • During the day do you put your hands on your lower back, neck or temples because you notice discomfort?
  • Do you leave the office with a stiff body or a dull head?
  • Does your eyesight suffer after a day of work or do your eyes often get dry?

If you answered yes to some of these questions, it is important to emphasize good ergonomics in front of the computer.

Ergonomics tips in front of the computer

  1. Keep your shoulders relaxed, especially on cold days when we unintentionally tend to keep them tense. In this regard, it is important to let your company know if the office temperature is making you uncomfortable.
  2. Use a table that allows you to keep your arms and wrists straight, or almost straight, while you type on the keyboard or use the mouse. Don't use tilted keyboards, as they will make it difficult for your wrists to maintain that straight posture.
  3. Place your screen at least 50cm from you and align it with the board. Place a stand to keep your screen at eye level, so that your straight gaze falls on the center of the screen.
  4. Regulate the light on your monitor. You can use reading mode when you are going to write long texts or look at the screen for a long time, this way you will reduce eye fatigue a little.
  5. In this same sense, take breaks every 20-30 minutes and look away from the computer. If you can, go to a window and look into the distance for a few minutes.
  6. During breaks, try walking or doing some stretches to improve circulation and loosen the body's numbness.
  7. If you find it difficult to take breaks, use furniture that allows you to change positions while you work, this way you will keep your body active without reducing your working hours.

As you can see, it is not difficult to maintain good ergonomics on the computer. Use each point on the list above as a habit to add to your daily routine. If you still need to include several points, do not include them all at once, aim to improve one of them each week and add more little by little until you internalize a new way of working that feels good to you.

Guillem Hernández

CEO Eleva

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