Ergonomics at work

Mouse ergonomics: good habits and correct position

Ergonomía ratón: buenos hábitos y posición correcta

When we talk about ergonomics we usually analyze the table, our posture, the chair or the screen. However, there is another important element that we always use while working: the mouse.

Knowing good postural habits to maintain good ergonomics with the mouse can be very useful if you work many hours with the computer.

Let's look at some tips to use the mouse and keyboard well.

Tips for good ergonomics with your mouse and keyboard

  • Place your keyboard and mouse within the width of the space between your shoulders.
  • If you don't use the numeric part of your keyboard much, which is usually located to the right of it, opt for a smaller keyboard, this will make it easier for you to place the mouse next to the keyboard and keep both within the space between your shoulders, such as We mentioned in the previous point. This way you will avoid hyperextension of the arm, which can cause muscle discomfort when maintained for a long time.
  • Keep your wrists, hands and forearms straight horizontally or slightly inclined.
  • Try working with your elbow at a height slightly higher than the middle row of the keyboard; some people find this position more comfortable.
  • The mouse should be placed parallel to the middle of the keyboard.
  • When choosing a mouse, check that the size is ideal for you and that it fits your hand, allowing you to rest your hand completely on top of the mouse.
  • Keep your forearm on the table and not in the air, which can cause strain and lead to lasting discomfort.

Avoiding carpal tunnel syndrome

Maintaining bad habits with the keyboard and mouse can cause discomfort and trigger one of the most common pathologies: carpal tunnel syndrome.

This syndrome is a condition that causes excessive pressure on the median nerve. This nerve is responsible for the wrist providing sensitivity and movement capacity to different parts of the hand. Suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome can therefore cause numbness, tingling, weakness, or muscle damage in the hand and fingers.

Good ergonomics with the mouse to feel better

Our recommendation? Use the list above and see how many points you have correctly implemented in your workplace. If you are still missing some, get to work and opt for a healthy space when working. Small annoyances or bad habits may seem harmful at first glance, but a bad gesture repeated thousands of times for thousands of days can trigger an injury that is very difficult to heal. Furthermore, these types of injuries not only affect the way you work, but also the rest of the activities you do on a daily basis.

Let's check that workspace!

Guillem Hernández

CEO Eleva

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