Ergonomics at work

Pain in the shoulder blade: causes, treatment and prevention

Dolor en el omóplato: causas, tratamiento y prevención

Do you experience shoulder blade pain? It is very normal to have discomfort in the area, since sometimes it can be due to simple strains due to poor posture or more serious conditions such as heart problems.

Sometimes it can be difficult to identify your pain. Therefore, in this article, you will find various causes of shoulder blade pain and discover the actions you can take for each situation.

Causes of shoulder blade pain

Pain in the shoulder blade can have various causes, and sometimes its origin can be simple:

  • Trauma : Blows, falls or accidents.
  • Posture during sleep : Sleeping in an uncomfortable or inappropriate position.
  • Overexertion : Strain from lifting heavy objects.

However, at other times, deciphering the cause of the pain is more complicated. Some conditions can give rise to "referred pain", manifesting in the area but originating in another part of the body.

Some conditions could be: lung diseases, lung cancer, heart problems, back problems, gallbladder or liver diseases, slipped discs or peptic ulcers.

Other causes:

Bone and joint problems: Caused by falls or accidents or by degenerative diseases of age, causing pain in the form of arthritis, osteoporosis or scoliosis.

Musculoskeletal Causes: If you have musculoskeletal problems, overuse, strains, poor posture when sleeping or working, and rotator cuff problems are common examples of shoulder blade pain.

Cardiac causes: One of the most serious reasons for shoulder blade pain is linked to heart problems. Professionals warn that the presence of pain specifically in the left shoulder could be an indication of a possible heart attack, especially in women.

Lung causes: lung cancer, clots, or collapsed lung.

Abdominal causes: surgeries, pancreatitis, nerves, liver disease, among others.

Isolated pain on one side of the neck: generated by poor posture, which causes tension in the muscles; due to an incorrect sleeping position, especially face down; or from whiplash caused by accidents or intense sports.


It is very important to know how to accurately identify the cause of the pain to choose the appropriate treatment.

In simple situations of overuse, distension or poor sleeping posture, you can try various home treatments such as: rest, ice application, pain relievers, ointments, stretching exercises or massages.

When an underlying disorder is detected, the focus is on addressing the root cause. For example, treatment for cancer could involve radiation, chemotherapy, or other specific therapies. Knowing the cause of shoulder blade pain increases the likelihood that treatment will be effective.


How can you prevent shoulder blade pain? Many times the pain is linked to trauma or excessive use of the muscles, which is why we suggest:

  • Avoid risks of falls.
  • Use the seat belt when traveling in vehicles.
  • Participate in exercise routines appropriately.
  • Modify your sleeping position.
  • Incorporate stretching into your routine.
  • Have a correct posture in front of your desk.

On this last point, we are experts. At Eleva we are committed to your comprehensive well-being, and that is why we have perfected our elevating desks and chairs to guarantee your health. Our focus is on improving your posture and circulation, providing you with ergonomic tools that elevate your daily performance and prevent unnecessary discomfort.

We highlight our star desk, Eleva Pro . Designed with adjustable elevation at different levels, this desk adapts to your height in a personalized way, promoting mobility and eliminating possible pain that could affect your productivity.

In addition, it is compatible with our Eleva Flow chair , which offers various modalities for your comfort. With ergonomic backrest, adjustable arms, adjustable height and lumbar support, it is the perfect ally for a complete ergonomic experience.

Enric Guerrero Vallès


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